Just a short 6 ½ hour drive from San Antonio Texas is one of the most amazing places in……. The World, Big Bend National Park. I have been there over 20 times. I keep coming back because I see different things there every time I go.
You can get out there and be adventurous. Let me tell you what I mean:
I have gone there and White Water Rafted for over 23 miles in one day, I have hiked the South Rim in one day (13 miles with a 1700 foot elevation change), rode horses into deep dry river beds called Arroyos, rode off road motorcycles in the back country trails, rode mountain bikes on those same trails, swam in the Rio Grande in Santa Elena Canyon, gone on Jeep Tours in the Desert, gone into Mexico at Boquillas Canyon and had some authentic Mexican food and even hiked in 7 miles in and camped in tents on cliffs that dropped off over 1000 feet.
If you like adventure and your physically capable of hiking some strenuous areas, you must try the trip to Big Bend. It is a must do on your bucket list.
Wildlife and Things to Remember:
I have seen some amazing wildlife on my trips to Big Bend. Each Trip, I see something new and different. I have seen Rattle Snakes, Tarantulas Spiders, Black Bears, White Tail Deer, Hogs, Mexican Jay Birds, and many other types of birds. Just being on the trail is a special place to me.
I like to go to Big Bend National Park in either the Winter or the Fall or Spring. The Summer is dreadfully hot, I mean 120 degrees. The Desert area that surrounds the Basin area is a really mean place. When your hiking in the desert, be prepared. The desert animals and plants will sting you, bite you, cut you or prick you. Dress appropriately, I mean use layers and have a back pack that can handle your layers as you strip one off at a time as it warms up thru the day. If you’re hiking into the Mountains to camp 7 miles from civilization, make sure you have the gear you need including a medical kit and plenty of water. Another thing that keeps me coming back is the Amazing Views from the mountain peaks, the Sun Rises and the Sun Sets. The majesty of Big Bend will amaze you.
It is a really special place to me and we plan to make an Outdoor Adventure Television Show in 2012. I can’t wait !!!
Thanks for your time…………….and I’ll See You………………In the Outdoors !!!